Aplikasi QRIS
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Service Center InterActive QRIS Fast Response

One QR Code for all Payments

Service Center InterActive QRIS Ready to Help

The advantage of QRIS from InterActive QRIS is that it will quickly help if there are problems with QRIS registration, transactions or QRIS settlement.

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Service Center Fast Response

The InterActive QRIS Service Center makes it easy for you to get solutions to problems you experience regarding QRIS registration, transactions or settlements for QRIS from InterActive QRIS.

  • Quick to help if there are QRIS merchants that have problems
  • Service Center Fast Response
  • Provide solutions to QRIS problems
  • Working hours 09.00 to 17.00 outside weekends and national holidays or public holidays
Why InterActive QRIS

InterActive QRIS has many advantages over other QRIS, because only InterActive QRIS provides FREE POS cashier software after successful registration.

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QRIS Transaction Notification

You will get a notification on your cellphone when there is an incoming transaction from static or dynamic InterActive QRIS

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FREE POS Cashier Software

When you successfully register InterActive QRIS you will automatically get the InterActive MyProfit Cashier Software

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Get Static & Dynamic QRIS

Not only get Static QRIS you also get Dynamic QRIS integrated with InterActive MyProfit

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Service Center InterActive QRIS Fast Response

InterActive QRIS is ready to help if there are problems with QRIS transactions quickly

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1 Owner Can Have Several QRIS

Solutions for multi-branch & multi-business business owners by monitoring multiple QRIS in 1 dashboard

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WhatsApp Group Discussion Forum

Provides a question and answer facility when there are problems with QRIS transactions on the WhatsApp Group forum

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Disbursement of Funds in All Banks

Disbursing InterActive QRIS funds is easier and more practical because it can be done in all banks

Register now to become a QRIS merchant and join 15,7 Juta other businesses who already use QRIS payments all over Indonesia !
Ica InterActive Chat Bot
InterActive Chatbot Assistant

Terimakasih telah mengunjungi Website QRIS

Berikut kami kirimkan beberapa link mengenai QRIS :

Link Pendaftaran QRIS disini

FAQ / Tanya Jawab disini

Pengajuan Open API disini

Skema Biaya Transaksi disini

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